Monday, August 12, 2019

Decisions in paradise, Part II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Decisions in paradise, Part II - Essay Example So, the key here is, organization should aptly study the new territory or market’s business environment and the factors that may impact its operations before embarking on. One of the key decision making technique or tool, which can enable the organizations including ARS Corp to do that study, is SWOT SWOT is an acronym that stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This business aiding analysis is good for correcting the problems related to strategy, position and direction of an enterprise, it measures a proposition or an idea and it is a subjective assessment of data arranged in a logical order that helps to understand, present, discuss and solve a problem.(Camillus, 1986). With ARS Corp deciding to go for the establishment of a Business School, this tool can be aptly used to study its potential. The strategic planners are required to use SWOT analysis in order to come up with effective strategies. SWOT analysis involves critical examination of organization al strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses of an organization are normally brought up by internal factors. (Chapman, n. d.) So, SWOT analysis can be used to find out the strengths and the weaknesses of ARS Corp in relation to its plans in Kava. At the same time, the other two criteria of opportunities and threats can be used to focus on the external environment in the Kava market. In addition, by doing this decision aiding process, SWOT will be able to build on its strengths and opportunities available, and the same correct the weaknesses, and overcome the threats. (Harrison & Pelletier 1999) If these factors are aptly identified and focused, they can be utilized by the decision makers in ARS Corp to make an optimal entry into Kava. When this SWOT analysis is applied regarding ARS Corp’s entry into Kava and its proposed setting up of a Business School, it gives various perspectives. Strength: One of the main strength of ARS Corp in relation to its plan of business school is its previous expertise in business management. As business schools and business management techniques implemented in an organizational setup are much correlated, its management expertise can be analyzed and focused on setting up the business school. The other strength is Business school can be the most cost efficient means of doing business in Kava because of minimum investment and no need for continuous flow of raw materials. Weaknesses: Although, ARS Corp has good business management acumen, its lack of experience in the education sector could put across some challenges. This weakness of ARS Corp could be seen when the process of establishing the business school is started, and also when it is being run. The initial work regarding the formulation of syllabuses and other apt infrastructural needs could be a challenge for ARS Corp considering its lack of experience. Opportunities: Kava has a sizable youth population and all these youths are perfect target customers for ARS Corp. The other key opportunity for ARS Corp through this venture is the elevation of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). By setting up a Business school in an underdeveloped region like Kava, and providing the youths with good education can elevate its ethical or CSR image. In addition, well equipped students from this School can be absorbed into ARS Corp’

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